ManyBass has just had a great new feature added. We now have Disk Streaming ability in ManyBass. We call this feature "Advanced Cache Technology" or ACT for short. ACT is a technology similar to DFD, which lets you use audio samples larger than the available memory and play them smoothly in real-time by using a custom disk cache algorithm. ACT was developed for ManyBass in cooperation with AraldFX.
Current ManyBass customers (and anyone else interested) can watch this video that introduces it:
Introducing Advanced Cache Technology (.wmv) - 10.6 mb
(Note: Video quality is compressed down to only a 10 meg file so please note that the audio is compressed heavily, the video is only meant to introduce ACT).
Attention Mac users: should you encounter problems playing WMV files, you can download this free Quicktime component by Flip4Mac: WMV Player
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